Wednesday, January 23, 2013

A Much Needed Day Out

A nice piece of blue sky in Singapore!
So the Mrs. wishes to go out on a 30 degree celsius day. The dog came along and totally disgraced herself by avoiding the Sun and hiding in our shadows.

The Mrs. and I haven't had a day out like this in months---shooting weddings can be pretty life-sucking in general---I still enjoy it, no matter what the big guns of commercial photography says. A great day for personal photography work, however, the females decided that there was too much insects, blood and sweat on a weekday like this. It gave me much joy to bust out the medium format Mamiya, just to make a family portrait of us three. The films are ziplocked away in the kitchen cabinet though, till the day that I can have some me time to develop them.

It felt wonderful to be in the Sun on a Monday afternoon---almost the whole stretch of beach to ourselves. I love working for myself, even though the money can be tight at times. Make more money, less time; or more time, less money.

I made my choice 3 years ago.

The dog drops her jaw after a 100 meters march
Dog hides in our shadows for some few degrees cooler while we fight the heat
The Mrs. and the dog

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